Blog Tour de Troops — Gratitude, Appreciation and Support

Welcome to Blog Tour de Troops’s blog hop to support our soldiers in the field.  Some of you are visiting from Regan Black’s blog, and hopefully most of you will be going on to Terri Long’s blog to continue today’s blog hop.

I first got involved in Operation E-book Drop for one reason.  You see, my father is a member of the retired military, and while he doesn’t talk about Vietnam often, I know my father felt the lack of support just as every soldier who returned from that place did.  If offering a soldier my book for free gives them any sort of support, then I wanted to offer it to them.

Taking part of Blog Tour De Troops was a different sort of decision.  While I completely agree with supporting our troops and providing them with free e-books, my politics are very liberal.  With the death of Osama bin Laden, I would bring home every one of our soldiers if I could.

This doesn’t mean I don’t feel grateful for each soldier’s service.  My gratitude feels small and ugly, because I will never understand the sacrifices these soldiers have endured.  I can say that I appreciate the troops, but really, there is no way of giving those soldiers the proper value on the months and years of service they have given those of us who have stayed safe at home.

So it really comes down to support.  As a writer, all I have is my writing to give, and if I can give a soldier any kind of escape from the war each one is fighting, then maybe I have done my best to support one soldier.

Please remember to include an email address in your comment if you want a coupon code to download a free copy of Promise Kept.  If you want your copy sent to a soldier, that’s doable, just let me know the name of the person I’m sending it to along with their address.  If you would like to check out a review before commenting, please check out Leslie Wright’s review or my sponsor’s review at Motherlode.  And don’t forget to visit Terri Long’s blog for another free e-book.

About Brandy Hunt E-books

I am a stay at home mom who likes things that go bump in the dark, especially if it is the full dark found without electric lights at the end of the world. I have a wonderful husband, a daughter, and a dog and am thankful I live in the middle of nowhere on a farm. I also have an unhealthy obsession with Stephen King, but we don’t talk about that much.
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137 Responses to Blog Tour de Troops — Gratitude, Appreciation and Support

  1. krissie says:

    Thanks so much for the opportunity to read your book and for supporting our troops!

  2. Donna says:

    Thank you for participating in this great event for our soldiers. Thank you to your father for his service to our great country. My son is currently serving in the US Navy and I am a proud Navy Mom! I wish you continued success in your writing career!


  3. Hello, thanks for taking part in such a noble event. I, myself, am thrilled I’m part of it. Support, new friends, more books – what could be a better celebration! Looking forward to read and enjoy your book.
    My e-mail is: forestlove at abv dot bg

    Best regards, M.

  4. This blog tour is a great idea. Being the daughter, grand-daughter, sister, and wife to militray veterans, I would personally like to thank you and all the other authors who are participating in this blog Tour for our troops and to say a special thanks to all those men and woman who have served out country so faithfully to ensure our freedom.

  5. Like your father, my husband was also in Vietnam (before I met him). He was injured severely but surprised the doctors by surviving. He has told me of being spat upon by a beauty queen when she found out he had been in ‘nam.

    The old saying “war is hell” remains true today.


  6. I agree with you there. I see people try to compare Iraq to Vietnam and I think the one biggest difference is that, this time, we have learned as a people not to hate on the soldiers even if we hate the war. I’ve seen so much more outpouring of love for our troops (like this tour) even for those (like me) who disagree with the war. Thanks Brandy!

    -Jeremy Rodden

  7. Dulce Vogel says:

    This is an awesome way to support our troops and I know that they will appreciate it! I look forward to reading your book! Thanks!

  8. Stephanie Overton says:

    Thank you for joining the Tour to Support OUR Troops!

    I have you have enjoyed your weekend.


  9. Kelli says:

    Stopping by to show my support for the troops. I’m married to a disabled vet, so this holiday as well as this tour, means a lot.

  10. maryaquino says:

    Brandy, I too support every member of the military serving our country…but would bring them home tomorrow if we could.

    God bless them…keep them safe, bring them home to their loved ones.

    Thanks for being a part of the Blog Tour de Troops.

  11. sue brandes says:

    Thank you for supporting our troops in this wonderful event.

  12. hi Brandy! thanks for participating in this very worthwhile project for the troops. i don’t know anyone so please randomly choose a soldier for me and send him or her a copy of your book. thanks for being gracious as well. c”,)


  13. Laurie T says:

    Thank you for taking part in this great tour. Your book sounds intriguing:)


  14. Sara says:

    Thank your Dad for me. Vietnam was a very difficult time in our history. Sorry your Dad had to go through that experience.

    Today at least we can somewhat separate the people from the events.

    Looking forward to reading Promise Kept.


    saragillispie (at) ymail (dot) com

  15. Anita Meeks says:

    Thank you so much for being so gracious to our troops. Your book sounds really good.


  16. Jennifer McDonald says:

    My father was in the Marines during Vietnam. I am grateful every day that I live in the U.S. Our freedom is because someone is serving to protect it.

  17. Sapphyria says:

    “…my father is a member of the retired military, and while he doesn’t talk about Vietnam often, I know my father felt the lack of support just as every soldier who returned from that place did. ”

    My father is a Vietnam Veteran as well, and he feels the same way about the lack of support. Thank you for sharing a little bit about your family and thank you for being part of this Blog Tour.


  18. Pam Lash says:

    Hi Brandy – as an avid reader I want to thank you for a chance to read your book. As an American I want to thank you for participating in this wonderful shout out to the troops!
    pam_lash at yahoo dot com

  19. Alicia says:

    Thank you for supporting our troops!! I think this is an awesome event! It gets new genres into the hands of book lovers and the troops get free reading material!! Thanks again!

    scrugglenamp AT aol DOT com

  20. Barb Riley says:

    Hello! Congrats on being in the tour.


  21. Miranda says:

    Love that you are a part of this wonderful event!


  22. Siobhan Muir says:

    I too am grateful and humbled by the sacrifices of the soldiers for so many they don’t even know. Thank you for giving them your “moment of escape” from the hardships they face doing their duty.


  23. Amanda Rudd says:

    My grandfather was in Korea, and he never talks about it either. I can’t begin to imagine how hard it was for them. All we can do, really, is show them in anyway we can how much we respect and love them for what they do every single day, and this blog tour is one way of doing that. So thank you!


  24. James R says:

    The blog tour de troops is a great idea.

    James R

  25. Jessica Anne says:

    Thanks for supporting our troops through this blog tour. It’s a wonderful event.

  26. Judy Cox says:

    Glad you joined the tour honoring our troops. I am looking forward to reading your book.


  27. This tour is amazing and I hope it becomes an annual event. Thank you for participating!

    buriednwords AT gmail DOT com

  28. indiebookibc says:

    Hi Brandy! I think we are all in agreement, that we would like our soldiers to be brought home now. We have lost too many over the years.


  29. paula poindexter says:

    Thank you for doing this for the troops.

  30. Holly Hood says:

    Thanks for supporting the troops!

  31. Karen says:

    Thank you so much for supporting our troops!


  32. Roxs says:

    Thanks for supporting the troops!


  33. Bookblogger says:

    Thanks very much for being a part of this great event!


  34. Jackie says:

    Sometimes it’s the small gestures that mean so much! I’ve talked to friends and family who I know who are serving right now and they think that this is a great idea. As authors, we recognize the value of reading. Each book given to a solider will allow them a few minutes to escape…to relax…to enjoy something. That is why this tour is such a great idea and I have tons of respect for each and every author who is participating!

    Thanks for doing all that you can!
    livedreamwritejc at gmail dot com

  35. loves to dive says:

    I remember Viet Nam, it was not a good time in our history. Thank you for your support.

  36. Ann Charles says:

    Thank you for your generosity and support for the troops. I’d love a copy of your book. You guys are making me weepy for a good reason this weekend. 😉

    My email addy:

    Thank you,
    Ann Charles

  37. John says:

    As a disabled vet, I would like to thank you for providing books for the men and women of the armed forces. A good book comes in handy on those lonely nights.

    john [@] johnpoindexter [dot] com

  38. Marie Wolf says:

    Thank you for sharing your work with us and them.


  39. Katie Dockery says:

    I am a military brat that married into another military family. I have and will always support our troops! Thank you for giving me another way to help them! I think this is the coolest thing! I look forward to reading your book.


  40. Gail says:

    Thank you for showing your graditude to the troops through this tour.
    The synopsis of your book is intriguing and, rather than send a book to me, can you make it 2 for the Troops?
    gbaugniet at aol dot com

  41. Bonnie Pietruch says:

    Thank you for participating in this amazing event to support our troops. Look forward to reading your book.


  42. Toni says:

    Your book sounds fascinating! Can’t wait to read it. Thank you for supporting the troops with this blog tour. 🙂

    reikibirth at gmail dot com

  43. Regina says:

    Hi Brandy,

    gosh, your book sounds awesome, thanks so much for giving me a chance to read it and get a copy of it to the troops! I look forward to digging in!

  44. Denise Z says:

    I don’t know how often I have been able to send a thank you to our Vietnam vets, I know I try but have surely fallen short. Thank your father and let him know he is appreciated by me. Thank you so much for participating in the blog Tour de Troops and your overwhelming generosity. I also thank you for allowing me to participate by proxy with your giving to them.

    You are wonderful to share this with us readers!


  45. I’m so proud that everyone in the writing community is pulling together for this. I come from a military family so I understand how important it is to let them know that we appreciate all they are doing for us. God bless our troops!

    nonieh96 at yahoo dot com

  46. SarahBella says:

    This is such a great program you’re taking part in!

    Thank you!

  47. Carole Wooten says:

    Thank you for your offer and for supporting our troops! I look forward to reading your book on my kindle.

    carolewooten at sbcglobal dot net

  48. tuxxy33 says:

    Thank you for supporting our troups!! What you are doing is wonderful and in no way is it small!! I know that for me reading is a way to take a “mini vacation” a way to get away from the troubles and worries in my life. If your book is doing that for even one member of our armed services then what you have done is wonderful!!

    Thank you!

  49. JaylieG says:

    Thank you soooo much for supporting our troops! This is an awesome idea!

  50. Patti says:

    Thank you for the free books but even more thank you for giving to those that give so much up for us often without a thank you. On behalf of my family I would like to send out a heart felt THANK YOU to those that serve and their families!!

  51. MaryAnn C. Timko says:

    This looks like a fabulous event! Thank you for your participation, your generous spirit and for writing what looks like an amazing novel! I can’t wait to read it.

    Kind regards,

  52. thanks for supporting our troops.

    earthsbooknook at gmail dot com

  53. Andreat78 says:

    Thank you for your generosity. I would like my copy sent to a soldier. I don’t know of a specific soldier, is there maybe one out there that it could be given to? Thanks!

  54. Brad Taylor says:

    Thanks so much for what you are doing! We all apprciate it very much and it does make a difference. Currently on my 7th deployment due to return home soon. Homecoming day can’t come soon enough!

  55. stephanie says:

    Thanks for supporting our troops! Freedom is not free. Thanks for the free book.

  56. Thanks for the opportunity to read your ebook. Thanks for supporting our troops. I can’t wait to read your book!
    rachelcccr at

  57. H.L.Benoit says:

    Until they all can come home, let’s give them a piece of home…love and appreciation from the people back here and something good to read in the few quiet moments they have. Thanks to all e-authors for this great event.

  58. Renee Rearden says:

    Thank you for supporting our troops. No matter how big or small the gesture, I’m sure all are appreciated. Please choose a soldier or troop randomly to receive a copy of your novel. I look forward to reading Promise Kept.


  59. Jess says:

    Thank you so much for participating in the tour!

  60. megan says:

    Thank you for the oppertunity to read your book, and thank you for the support you are giving the military!


  61. Melissa says:

    I totally agree with the fact that we can never, as civilians, know what our soldiers go through each and every day. Thank you for what you are doing for them this weekend.


  62. Michele says:

    Thank you for participating in this effort. My Dad served in Korea; my brother-in-law was in the Marines in Lebanon; my nephew now serves on a nuclear sub. My family appreciates what you’re doing. My email is:

  63. LizzieBeth says:

    Reading all the posts/stories from all of you participating within this event has been truly inspiring. Thanks for bringing these books to the soldiers overseas, for remembering and appreciating the sacrifices that they always make in serving.

  64. LizzieBeth says:

    Reading all the posts/stories from all of you participating within this event has been truly inspiring. Thanks for bringing these books to the soldiers overseas, for remembering and appreciating the sacrifices that they always make in serving.

  65. Angi Gray says:

    I think it is really important that you can understand the separation between supporting the men and women out there serving our nation and your opinions about the wars they are fighting. I have *never* agreed with our current wars, but I would equally NEVER turn my back to these men and women, some of whom are my cousins (and one of whom recently received a Purple Heart). Thanks for knowing the difference and giving what support you are able!

  66. Debbie Griffith says:

    Thank you for supporting our troops! I’m looking forward to reading you book! Sounds really good.


  67. dreamsgate says:

    I watched as my father dealt with the lack of support from Vietnam as well, it has made me appreciate our soldiers even more. The price they pay for our freedom shouldn’t be at the cost of making them feel unappreciated.

    dreamsgate at clearwire dot net

  68. Tracy Riva says:

    My thanks go out to your father. I’m sorry he’s among the soldiers who never received the welcome home they so richly deserved.

    If possible I would like the troop copy of your book to go to Private Zach Schaneberger. His email address is

    My email address for my copy of your book is

    Thank you for doing this. Here’s hoping no soldier from any other war has to go through what out Vietnam Vets did. – Tracy

  69. MamaSylvia says:

    I too remember the Vietnam vets coming home to hostility and even violence. I’m so glad that today, Americans support our soldiers regardless of whether or not we support the particular war.

    Looking forward to reading Promise Kept.

    mama dot sylvia at gmail dot com
    MOTHER of an Army National Guardsman
    DAUGHTER of an USAF sergeant (Korean War)

  70. Jaidis says:

    Thank you for taking part in this awesome event to support our troops 🙂

    JaidisShaw at yahoo dot com

  71. Stephanie Pardee says:

    Thank you for supporting our troops & for the free ebook. God Bless America!


    mr.boardgame AT yahoo dot com

  72. Thank you so much for doing this tour and supporting our troops. You mentioned Vietnam…I still feel so angry that our soldiers got so little support during that time. My uncle was in Vietnam.

  73. Carol B says:

    Thanks for treating our troops to a gift. I am sure they will like it. I get so mad when people talk bad about our military when they don’t agree with war. Do they not understand if was those same people that protect the right for them to even have an opinion. I’d like to send out a huge thank you to all those that keep us safe and protect our freedom both in war times and peace times because it’s hard during both.
    thank you fellow brat Carol. 🙂

  74. Eve says:

    I think one of the most important things we can do is thank our troups. I see so many people celebrate Memorial Day and have no clue why! We make sure we explain to out kids the reason and go to something in honor of the troups, both present and past! Thank you for honoring out troups and trying to spread some joy!

  75. kym amaral says:

    thanks for this wonderful blog hop…

    thanks to ALL the troops and their families


  76. Marie says:

    I adore the idea, and am so happy with the support for our troops! Thank you so much! Marie, email:

  77. Babs says:

    Thank you for supporting our troops. It is nice to see so many people helping.

    Bhitwr @ gmail dot com

  78. JoAnna B says:

    Thanks for participating in this wonderful blog hop.

    beckerjo at verizon dot net

  79. Alan says:

    Looking forward to reading your book. Thanks for supporting all the troops.


  80. ashley barry says:

    Thank you for supporting our troops. I look forward to reading your book.

    ashleypbarry at gmail dot com

  81. Donna says:

    Thank you for showing such support for out troops. My cousin is serving in the Navy right now and I know he feels great when he gets unexpected support. We all need to remember what Memorial day stands for…and it’s not picnics LOL

  82. Tammie Barker says:

    Thanks for supporting our troops 🙂

    mrsthanosthemad AT gmail DOT com

  83. Rachel says:

    Thank you for participating in the tour. I am looking forward to reading your book also.

  84. Terri says:

    My family has a lot of men and women that have been in the service and are now still in the service. I always love to see others giving thanks to them. They do so much for us that we take for granted. Thanks you on behalf of my family member in the service for caring.

  85. Tammy says:

    Thank you so much for giving our troops something to smile about! I think we need to learn more in school and at home how important it is to thank those that make it possible for us to have the choices that we have.

  86. Sadie says:

    Thank you sooo much!!

  87. Jessica Tran says:

    I can not do much for the troops i can not fight myself so this is my way of saying thanks for what you do for us.

  88. Jessica Tran says:

    sorry my e-mail is

  89. GraceKrispy says:

    What a great turnout, and what a great post, Brandy! Your personal motivations add so much to this charity event. Thanks so much for inviting me to participate with you!


    • Thank you for participating! Your review means a lot to me, especially since you took the time to give such nice constructive criticism. Seriously, if you need a writer for something and you don’t mind me trotting out my stuff, let me know. One exceptionally good turn deserves the best payback I can give.

  90. MissyKay says:

    Thank you for being part of this event. I grew up a Navy brat, so our military men & women have always held a place in my heart. I, too, don’t agree with this war – at least being in Iraq. I think too many of our men & women have died for someone elses’ civil war. My dad served during Vietnam, but luckily was not on the front lines. He was on a repair ship, but his brother was a medic on the front lines and has always been a little “off” since coming home. I pray everyday since Bin Laden is dead, may our troops come home soon and safe!

    What an amazing country we live in that we can support of men & women in uniform and be grateful for their service & sacrifice, even if we don’t believe in the war they are fighting. 2 of my nephews best friends enlisted last summer after graduating, one in the National Guard and one in the Air Force. I admire all the young people who have chosen to enlist during this time and are willing to fight a war many don’t believe in anymore. What amazing spirit! Saying Thanks doesn’t even begin to articulate how wonderful they are!

    missyebookmail at mediacombb dot net

  91. Todd Russell says:

    Thank you for your support of our troops and being involved with this event.

    todd at orting dot com

  92. Thank you so much for participating in this blog tour and giving me the opportunity to help a soldier.

  93. Sarah says:

    Your book sounds like a very original paranormal dystopian read.

  94. Dale Mayer says:

    Hi and thank you so much for participating in this program. What a great way for all of us to help the troops.

    Dale (

  95. Karen in TN says:

    Thanks for participating in the tour and for the book.

    kolists a\t gmail dt com

  96. Christy Gibbon says:

    Thank you for doing your part in supporting our troops by giving them a little time in a world far away from the one they are in.
    christygibbon at juno dot com

  97. Katja says:

    Thank for this giveaway! Your book really seems interesting. 🙂

  98. Amanda says:

    Thank you for participating in this! It’s such a wonderful program. I know the climate really has changed since Vietnam, and this is a great way to show our appreciation for soldiers.

    mandaj07 at gmail dot com

  99. pinkmaiden says:


    Thank you for participating in the “Blog Tour de Troops”. I do not have immediate family in the service right now, but my grandfather fought in WWII and my uncles fought in the Vietnam War. I greatly appreciate what you and the other authors are doing for our men and women in service.

    Thank you to the men and women in service for the sacrifices that you, and your families, make each and every day. Thank you for keeping America safe and the things we take for granted each day because of what you do.

    Go USA,

  100. Kat Howard says:

    I think it’s great what all you authors are doing. My hubby and Dad are Marine Corps Veterans. Thanks so much!

  101. Thank you for your generous giveaway!

    cheryl (at) cherylrainfield (dot) com

  102. Theresa M says:

    Thank you for supporting our troops!!

  103. Celia says:

    Thank you so much for your support and participation!!

    lucetlady at gmail dot com

  104. Margay says:

    You may think all you have to give is your writing, but don’t underestimate how powerful that is.

  105. Laura S. says:

    I’m so grateful to all our troops and thanks to the participating authors, too. I’m looking forward to reading your book. Thanks! ljszab at yahoo dot com

  106. I look to the day when there will never again be a need to send our soldiers into enemy territory. Until then, I’m glad to do my part to help get e-books into the soldiers’ hands!

  107. Melora says:

    Thank you for taking part in this tour; I know that the troops will appreciate your donations.

    I also have liberal politics and deep misgivings about the wars we have engaged in recently, but I try to separate all that from the individuals on the ground, they gave a lot for what they believed in, and I honor them for that.

    Please send me a copy of your book to melorabrock a t gmail d o t com

  108. Joanwigg says:

    Thank you for supporting our troops. All of them deserve our support!

  109. Karen in Breezy Point says:

    Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this awesome event!
    Karen in Breezy Point
    kmartin at uslink dot net

  110. Marce Hall says:

    Looking forward to reading your book. Thanks for participating and thank you hero soldiers and sailors for serving.
    marce_hall at yahoo dot com

  111. Lynn says:

    Thank you for your participation in this tour — it is so important.

    lms dot dragonmist at gmail dot com

  112. Scarlet Kira says:

    Thank you so much for supporting our troops. While people may never agree on why wars are fought, we should always support the soldiers.
    Your book looks interesting.

  113. brooke says:

    Thank you for the book and for supporting the troops and giving us all a chance to help them in any way we can!!

  114. Leslie says:

    All of the Indie authors I have gotten to know over the last few months are so generous and giving. Thank you for your involvement.
    Our troops deserve are the best.
    lesliebandura at verizon dot net

  115. Ania says:

    Great post! I agree – you can disagree with the war and still support the troops. I may not agree with our military’s presence in the Middle East, but that doesn’t mean I want anything bad to happen to those men and women. It would be wonderful if they could all be home safe, with their sacrifices recognized.

    FatesTwists AT yahoo DOT com

  116. Kim says:

    Thanks for the support to the men and woman that serve.

  117. Foretta says:

    Thanks for supporting our troups! What a great idea. Freedom is definately not “FREE”. I am so thankful to those and thier family that serve in out miliary.

  118. Amber May says:

    Thanks for supporting our troops! This is a wonderful initiative!

  119. Traci Simmons says:

    Thank you for supporting our troops!

  120. Janice Anitsakis says:

    thanks so much for joining this…give a book to any troop

  121. Candy says:

    Thanks what a great way to get ebook to our military

  122. Carrie says:

    Thanks for supporting our Troops!!

  123. Holly wright says:

    Thanks for offering this!
    Hollybwright at comcast dot net

  124. Rick says:

    Supporting the troops.

  125. Jen B. says:

    This Hop is such a great idea!

  126. Gilberto Galvez says:

    Thanks for supporting the troops.

  127. SarahM says:

    Thanks for supporting our troops!

    smaccall at

  128. Brandy W says:

    Its a 24/7 job being in the military as the soldier or the spouse. Thank you for supporting the troops.

    brw08 AT yahoo DOT com

  129. Barb A says:

    Brandy, already have your book Promise Kept from Smashwords, I think from ebook week, so if you can, send my copy also to the troops for 2 books total. Thanks so much for supporting this. Indie authors are the greatest.

  130. Sonya says:

    Hi Brandy,

    Thank you for doing this. Looking forward to your book. It looks very interesting.

  131. Meghan says:

    this is such an incredible thing that all you authors have done for the troops! i love to be a part of anything that gives back to them

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